Researcher and project member.
Antonia Ferrer, graduate in geography and history specialising in contemporary history from the University of Valencia and PhD in current techniques and methods in information and documentation.
She is research coordinator at Florida Centre de Formació and lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Her latest directed projects include the Social Economy portal EcSocial.
With teaching experience at the Polytechnic University of Valencia since 1999, being responsible for subjects in the degrees of Library Science and Documentation (second cycle), PhD in Photography, Transversal Subjects of PhD, Master CALSI and Master in Information Management (MUGI), as well as responsible for carrying out the Chair of Transparency and Data Management. Teaching in the field of Library Science, Information Resources, Research Methodology, Technological Surveillance and Data and Information Sources. With 4 recognised five-year teaching periods.
Has directed more than 40 Final Degree Projects and Master’s Theses.
The main lines of research currently focus on open access to scientific documentation and open research data. It is worth highlighting that she has participated in 30 R+D projects, of which she has been Principal Investigator in 7 of them. She has more than 20 participations in non-competitive R+D+i contracts, agreements or projects with public or private administrations or entities. Her publications include more than 60 publications in journals and book chapters and more than 60 congresses and workshops. Currently with 1 six-year research period recognised in 2008.