Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Project Member Professor at the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV). PhD in Pedagogy at the University of Valencia. She has research stays at the University of Vienna and Innovation of educational systems in Norway. Her multidisciplinary research activity has...
Nov 15, 2020 | Participants
Researcher and project member. PhD from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Author of MELODA, metrics on data reuse and researcher on modelling open data ecosystems and their social and economic impact. He is an expert in open data by the COTEC foundation and has...
Nov 15, 2020 | DATAUSE Members, DATAUSE Members, DATAUSE Members, DATAUSE Members, DATAUSE Members, DATAUSE Members
Researcher project member. Sociologist and PhD Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the Universitat de València. Specialist in research methods in Social Sciences, quantitative analysis of social reality, the study of drug addiction from...
Nov 15, 2020 | Participants, Participants, Participants, Participants, Participants
José Luis Aleixandre Benavent is Full Professor of the Food Technology Department at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Ph. D. Agricultural Engineer from the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineers of Valencia. Director of the Vintage...
Nov 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
Project Member Dr. Jose Luis Aleixandre-Tudo moved to South Africa in 2013 after the completion of his PhD in red wine phenolics at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) in Spain. After enrolling at the Department of Viticulture and Oenology (DVO) at...
Nov 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
Master’s in Music by the UPV in 2017. Currently combine her task as a music teacher with the research oriented to the teaching-learning process developed by Amateur Choir Conductors in their work. She uses qualitative techniques for collecting and analysing...